baby dolphins

baby dolphins are cute their fatheter give them food their baby's ,their mother look affter them while the fatheter is gone ,the fatheter also takes care of them but he has to find food.

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big dolphins

big dolphins do shows, people can see them jump play dance and swim,trainers train the big dolphins big dolphins will be tired and the trainers will give them food.

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baby dolphins

people also train baby dolphins but they do the moves more easier i think they have longer rest then their parents.

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other dolphins

other dolphins have diffrent jobs, they have diffrent things to do.


this dolphin does shows like it doing right now (in the picther)that is hard work !.

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this dolphin has to jump relly high to beware the high wave it hard.

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rounded dolphin

i had never seen a dolphin like this but i think it does shows too.

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newborn dolphin

newborn dolphins are much more cuter than the baby dolphins the newborn dolphin dosen't do shows.

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